Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hey All!!

Hey all just checkin in! I hope your all enjoying your summer and maybe writing a little bit here and there. Ive recently started Envy but have come up with a bit of a snag, I'm not really familiar with the narrative writing style, especially in this format but its really something i want to experiment with... somewhat of a tribute if you will. If anyone knows of a place I can find like, old school detective novels or even of an author or random book that may help Ill appreciate it! Hope all is well! By the way its definatley waaaay past 7 pm, just so ya know!


Munin said...

Hi!!! Sorry if you saw the comment and got excited, but I really have nothing useful to contribute to your search... I just wanted to say good luck with your venture into narrative writing. It sounds awesome.

Kir said...

How about detective novels like Agatha Christie? Sherlock Holmes? I also like novelist Anne Perry, who sets her detective novels in the Victorian era. I'm not much of a detective/mystery fan, though, so that's all I've got to advise about.